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2024 Laconia Chiefs Football HOME Game Schedule -

Welcome to the 2024 Laconia Chiefs Youth Football & Cheer season.  Below you will find the HOME game schedule.  

Home games are played the Bank of NH Stadium at

Laconia High School

345 Union Avenue 

Laconia NH 03246

We are located on school grounds:




Please do not speed through parking lot or roadways. There is plenty of parking within the parking lots.

There are trash barrels accessible at the field, please remind guests to use these and do not dispose of litter on the actual field/sidelines.  Please remove all trash from the stands at the end of the game. 

CONCESSIONS AT GAME FIELD (Cash or Credit):  We have a full concession stand at the field that will be open - until the end of the 3rd quarter of the final game of the day.

RESTROOMS AT GAME FIELD:  We have a men's room and women's room next to the concession stand.

Our HOME Uniform: Red Jerseys, Red Pants and Silver Helmets. Please plan accordingly.












For full game schedules please click on your team below.  Game times are NOT FINALIZED until the Thursday prior to each game. 

Hello Football & Cheer Families

We, the Board of Directors for LYFCA, would like to welcome you to the 2023 season. We are very excited for another great season. We would like to take this opportunity to get all of or Football & Cheer families on the same page to get this season started off great! We also would like to apologize for the recent confusion and lack of communication. We have addressed this and hope we can open the lines for the remainder of the season and future.

For Football related questions not included in this post please contact our Vice President/acting President, Dan Greenwood at 603-998-4123 or .

For Cheer related questions, not included in this post, please contact our Cheer Coordinator, Danielle St. Onge at 603-409-0905 or

Our Secretary, Ellen Castro, is a great resource for registration & season related information. She can be reached at 603-998-9063

The intention of the Laconia Chiefs Youth Football & Cheer page is to provide information that pertains to the league as a whole. Football & Cheer also have their respective private Facebook groups where we post specific information for each sport. If you have not done so already, please request to join the sites pertaining to your athlete. You can find these sites by typing "Laconia Chiefs Football" or "Laconia Chiefs Cheer" in your Facebook search bar.

All athletes MUST have a copy of their BIRTH CERTIFICATE and a MEDICAL CLEARANCE FORM DATED 2023 in order to take the field for practice. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this. Our board members and team moms will be available for the first week of practice to collect these forms.

All registration fees ($30) will be collected on 7/31 & 8/7


GAME SCHEDULE WILL BE PROVIDED AS SOON AS WE CAN - this is usually around week 3. Please be patient as we don't receive it before this. Our conference has 23+ leagues (with multiple team divisions) to schedule and there are often team changes going into week 2 that has ripple effect changes throughout the schedule.

All team coaches will provide a schedule for each individual team. However, here is some BASIC INFO to get us started!


ALL athletes will receive their MANDATORY FUNDRAISER on 8/7. These Fundraisers are due no later than 8/22

GAME SCHEDULE WILL BE PROVIDED AS SOON AS WE CAN - this is usually around week 3. Please be patient as we don't receive it before this. Our conference has 23+ leagues (with multiple team divisions) to schedule and there are often team changes going into week 2 that has ripple effect changes throughout the schedule.


Season start date 7/31

  • All tackle teams practice Mon thru Thursday until 8/31 5:30p-8p
  •  After Labor Day all tackle teams will practice Tues/Thurs/Sat
  • Tentative Jamboree 8/20
  • Regular season games begin 8/27 - will be every Sunday until 10/22 (except 9/3)
  • All tackle teams are eligible for NHYFSC Playoffs. This schedule will be provided once it is set. State Champion teams will play in Regionals. Regional Champions will be eligible to play in the AYF National Championship in Naples, Florida.


Season start date 8/7

  • All Flag parents are encouraged to bring paperwork in the week of 7/31, so players are eligible to take the field on 8/7
  • Flag will practice Mon - Tues - Thurs for their first 2 weeks 5:30-6:30. After this they will practice Tues/Thurs.


Season start date 7/31

  • Practice will be Mon thru Thursday until 8/18 5:30p-7:30 (No practice 8/31)
  •  After this, practices will be 2x per week 5:30-7:30 for the remainder of August.
  • Tiny Mites teams will only cheer at HOME games from the start of game until Half time.
  • Tiny mites will attend 5 competitions all in NH
  • PARENT MEETING– 8/7 - 5:30PM

DIVISIONS 10,12,14

Season start date is 7/31

  • Practice will be Mon thru Thursday until 8/17 5:30p-8PM
  •  After this, practice will be 3x per week until Labor Day when we will alternate 2x-3x per week as needed. (No practice 8/31)
  • Teams will cheer at ALL regular season games beginning 8/27 - will be every Sunday until 10/22 (except 9/3)
  • Teams will compete at 5 NH competitions. Top 3 teams at States will move onto Regionals (this year in NH) and top 3 Regional teams in each division will move onto Nationals in Kissimmee, Florida.
  • D10 - 8/7 - 7:30PM
  • D12 - 8/8 - 5:30PM
  • D14 - 8/8 - 7:30PM


Season start date 7/31

  • Practice will be Mon thru Thursday until 8/17 5:30p-8PM
  • After this, practices will be 3x per week until Labor Day when we will alternate 2x-3x per week as needed. (No practice 8/31)
  • Team will compete at 5 NH competitions. Top 3 teams at States will move onto Regionals (this year in NH) and top 3 Regional teams in each division will move onto Nationals in Kissimmee, Florida.
  • Team DOES NOT attend away games. However, MUST be at ALL HOME games to help the league in volunteer positions.
  • PARENT MEETING D16 8/9 - 5:30PM


